Complete sediment control solutions – hassle-free!
Turbid Water Solutions has product and service solutions for every stage of the stormwater treatment process.
Automatic dosing units
Turbid’s range of automatic dosing systems provide fully automated accurate dosing of chemicals to treat water on site. Unlike manual methods, which require staff on site on holidays, weekends and potentially during rainfall events, Turbid’s systems work when you don’t want to.
ifod™ (intelligent flocculating operational device)
Turbid’s range of ifods™ provide accurate dosing of highly effective coagulants/flocculants to treat water on construction sites. The ifod™ is a telescopic post design for light weight transportability and minimal storage and can be easily fixed to substrate and attached to an external chemical storage tank.
It is ideal for sites without easy access to power as the ifod™ is equipped with a low voltage solar power for operation. It is also relocatable, so can be transferred to a different section of a site as required. The system has been designed to operate most effectively with our environmentally sensitive water treatment products.

The ifod-RAIN enables accurate dosing of coagulants during rainfall events. Dosing during rainfall ensures effective mixing avoiding the difficulty of treating a large full basin after rain. This ifod™ is based on an internal chipset interpreting rainfall from a tipping bucket rain gauge to monitor rainfall in real time and triggering dosing from a low voltage metering pump based on pre-set customised rules.

The ifod-FLOW provides accurate dosing of treatment products utilising flow metres inside or above pipes, open drains or weirs. It will measure water flow, either generated from rain events or pumping on site, and accurately dose via a low voltage metering pump according to the run off volume entering the basin. This ifod™ can also be connected to water quality sensors for monitoring and control purposes and linked to our cloud based data platform for complete interoperability with our other systems.

The ifod-PUMP is a timer based dosing system that is ideal for dewatering on site. This ifod™ relies on a set flow rate flowing from either a pumpset or fixed flow pipework, for example into a sediment basin for treatment. It can be set up to be triggered either manually via a switch or automatically via sensors and uses a low voltage metering pump to accurately dose according to the set flow rate.
The Flocca™ is an automatic dosing system used with Type A and B sediment basins. The Flocca™ cleverly measures either rainfall or flow rates and doses basin inflow accordingly to treat runoff from catchments of any size.
The Flocca™ is a simple product that is cost-effective, easy to transport, install and manage. It is suited to both temporary and longer-term sediment basins. It should be suited to the wide range of basin sizes on the project, some with very large catchments. A modem can be included as an optional extra, which is a great way to remotely track the performance data of the unit.
The Flocca™ can be directly and easily be connected to a full IBC of treatment product such as Turbiclear™ or Turbiclear EXTRA™, which maximises the capacity for dosing during multiple rainfall events and reduces labour intensive refilling.

The Flocca automatic dosers can treat basin inflow based on either rainfall or flow triggers.
Flocca FLOW
Flocca RAIN
Both systems use solar panels for power and are contained within the durable Flocca box, which attaches easily to the IBC.
Floc Box
Turbid’s Floc Box is a low cost, award-winning coagulant dispensing unit for treating sediment laden water on a construction site. Weighing in at just 45kg prior to the addition of coagulant, Turbid’s Floc Box is easy to position and move around your site as and when required. The Floc Box uses rainfall captured on a catchment tray located on the top of the unit to control the displacement of a coagulant from the unit into the runoff stream entering the HES basin.
The simplicity of the Floc Box is its greatest feature requiring minimal human operation and involving no electronic or mechanical moving parts. With the catchment tray and header tank sitting below 1.2m high, maintenance, routine checks and alterations become the simplest of tasks.

Floc Box
The Floc Box comes in 3 sizes depending on your site requirements:
The PortaFloc designed by Cirtex is the latest innovation in rainfall activated chemical dosing. Whilst still replicating the exact principals of flocculent delivery as the Floc Box, the PortaFloc greatly simplifies the process of onsite set up and ongoing maintenance requirements. The PortaFloc is a versatile system that can be sized to suit most site requirements.
Sizing of the catchment tray utilises a unique easytrack system allowing for quick and simple adjustment, as dose rates and catchment sizes change. Filling the chemical reservoir is done via the 18mm hose fitting and the units can be gravity fed from IBC’s or pump filled from 200L drums. The PortaFloc Chemical reservoir is partly translucent in appearance allowing for easy recognition of current chemical levels. These levels are easily recognised via the coloured displacement gauge on the side of the tank. Draining the displacement tank is now a simple task because of the easy-drain system.

The PortaFloc comes in 2 sizes depending on your site requirements:
Treatment Products

Turbiclear is a high quality, environmentally friendly, rapid acting coagulant for application to HES basins. Some key advantages are:
• Two to three times more effective than other coagulant agents.
• Lower dosing required.
• Easy to apply liquid – no dust like gypsum.
• Can be automatically dosed with Turbid’s automatic dosing units.
• Excellent treated water clarity.
Click here to download the Turbiclear SDS

Turbifloc is a high quality, environmentally friendly, rapid acting flocculant for application to HES basins and other water treatment systems. Some key advantages are:
• Biodegradable – natural bio-polymer technology (Chitosan based).
• Easy to apply liquid.
• Forms large stable particles able to handle higher velocity environments.
• Can be automatically dosed with Turbid’s automatic dosing units.
• Excellent treated water clarity.
Click here to download the SDS for Turbifloc

Turbiclear EXTRA is a high quality, environmentally friendly, rapid acting blended polymer for application to sediment basins. Some key advantages are:
• Highly effective treatment while maintaining environmentally friendly attributes.
• Australian Made.
• Easy to apply liquid.
• Can be automatically dosed with Turbid’s automatic dosing units.
• Excellent treated water clarity.
Click here to download the SDS for Turbiclear Extra.

TurbiGyp is a grade 1 micronised Gypsum sourced and manufactured in Australia. It is a highly effective soil amendment, and fertiliser which can also be used in water treatment to settle particles out of water. It is available in 25kg bags or 1T bulk bags.
TurbiGyp can be applied as a dry powder, a slurry or blended with other products. The typical analysis includes Calcium (Ca) 23% w/w and Sulphur (S) as sulphate 17% w/w and 80% of particles are under 45 microns. It requires a lower application rate than other gypsum products due to micronisation and has a rapid rate of dissolution by rainfall or irrigation when applied.
Click here to download the SDS for Turbigyp.

Hydrated lime
Hydrated lime raises the pH and adds alkalinity to water to improve coagulation.
Monitoring systems
Water quality monitoring + safety cut-off system
For high risk sites or sites upstream of highly sensitive receiving environments, Turbid can install and maintain water quality monitoring systems for your construction activities. This provides real time readings, alerts and notifications remotely accessible at any time. Turbid can manage your realtime data needs through our online data hosting platform,

iqad™ (intelligent quality assurance device)
The iqad™ is a safety cut-off and monitoring system which utilises an internal microprocessor and logger to measure water quality parameters such as pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen. The iqad™ is a telescopic post designed for light weight transportability and minimal storage and can be easily fixed to substrate. It is ideal for sites without easy access to power as the iqad™ is equipped with a low voltage solar power plant for operation. It is also relocatable, so can be transferred to a different section of a site as required.
The iqad™ attaches to the discharge point of the basin and allows for the recording of the basin’s discharges when occurring. The iqad™ can also control a power actuated butterfly valve installed on the discharge pipe to stop any water discharging that is not within parameters set in the site’s license conditions. All information can be logged or exported from the controllers via telemetry to our cloud based data platform.

Jar testing kits
Turbid provide free jar testing kits with any Turbid product order to help to calculate the correct dose rate required to treat your water.
For details on how to use the kit, download the Turbid Jar Testing Kit instruction guide.

TN 100 | ECTN100IR | 01X357301
Eutech waterproof TN 100 Infra-Red Turbidimeter (NTU) with Calibration Kit & Carrying Case
The TN 100 achieves lab-accurate, highly repeatable turbidity results during field work. The meter comes in a complete set with sturdy carry case, high quality borosilicate vials and US EPA-approved non-formazin standards.
- Large custom-designed LCD.
- Rapid meter requires on 6 seconds for full-step change.
- 4 point push-button calibration for lab-accurate results and excellent repeatability.
- Designed in compliance with ISW 7027 and DIN 27027 standards.
- Lightweight and AP67 waterproof and floats for easy retrieval.